Custom HVAC Components

Jobsite conditions and installation requirements vary by mechanical project. We find many of our HVAC contractors ask: “where can I get something like that manufactured?” At Phoenix Metals we consult with you to fabricate your specialty component, with or without custom manifolding.

Our custom ductwork solutions reduce onsite labor by delivering your specified material components approved to plan standard and design fit as well as typical fittings, and components from shop and coordinated drawings.

Ordering your typical and custom ductwork, fittings, components and installation supplies from Phoenix Metals reduces the added cost of multiple source points to you. As a commercial-scale manufacturer that provides custom component manufacturing services, we consider our distributor relationships part of our total HVAC system solution advantage for our customers.

Download our product catalog

Our Custom Metal Products Include:

 Custom Component: Multi-leaf Volume Dampers

Multi-leaf Volume Dampers


Custom Component: Gooseneck Exhaust

Gooseneck Exhaust



Success is built on relationships. For over 14 years Phoenix Metals has been a key partner in my company's success.

David Jarosinski, D&I Mechanical Contractors

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We want to work with you on your next project. Contact us today and let’s get started.